Excel automatic recalculation per file
Excel automatic recalculation per file

excel automatic recalculation per file excel automatic recalculation per file

All direct and indirect dependents are marked as dirty so that if B1 depends on A1, and C1 depends on B1, when A1 is changed, both B1 and C1 are marked as dirty. Cells that are marked in this way are known as dirty. When new data or new formulas are entered, Excel marks all the cells that depend on that new data as needing recalculation. When a structural change is made to a workbook, for example, when a new formula is entered, Excel reconstructs the dependency tree and calculation chain. For this reason, calculation times can often improve in a worksheet that has just been opened in the first few calculation cycles. In this case, the cell that is being calculated and its dependents are moved down the chain. During recalculation, Excel revises this chain if it comes across a formula that depends on a cell that has not yet been calculated. The calculation chain lists all the cells that contain formulas in the order in which they should be calculated. From this tree, Excel constructs a calculation chain. The dependency tree informs Excel about which cells depend on which others, or equivalently, which cells are precedents for which others. The calculation of worksheets in Excel can be viewed as a three-stage process: Therefore the phrase "the user" also means "the user, or a command or process started by the user." Dependence, Dirty Cells, and Recalculated Cells The user runs the command, or does something to cause the command to run so that it is still considered a user action. This topic does not distinguish between the user directly pressing a key or clicking the mouse, and those tasks being done by a command or macro.

Excel automatic recalculation per file